Sunday, 31 March 2013

It's been a while ...

Hai fellas..
How are you?
First of all.. i want to apologize if there is any typo here ..
I still don't get along with this phone .

Mine is the dark blue one. .lol

My mumy gave it to me as my spm present.
And i'm so happy for having this phone. . I've been dreaming and dying to have a smart phone in my life.
 And finally, i can have this samsung galaxy grand..

And it's been a while since i'm updating my entry in my online diary . It just i'm taking a time to recover from my despair . Although i'm still feeling sad for my spm result, but i must face the reality ..

I do feel thankful for this unexpected result especially for my add maths grade . But one thing that always spinning around my head is " sedangkan aku main2 belajar pun aku dapat result begini apa lagi kalau aku study betul2.."

i've disappointed my parents ..
I cried. Not because i'm only getting 2A+,3A and 4B+ in my spm result . It's because i have letting down my parents..

I admitted it .. i was my fault ..
Too much enjoying.. too much spending time on bad things.. too.much sleeping.. studying only on the night before the examinations.. also the spm .. lack of awareness .. that's me as a 2012 spm candidate..


One night, i was facebooking .. i joined this group called " Halatuju selepas spm "..
Then i read one of the senpai's post .

" saya dapat 4a sj dalam spm dan kwan baik sy dpt straight ... kami sama2 msuk matriks.. dsebabkan dy rsa slsa dgn result spm dy, dy jrg stdy .. at last, sy dpt 4 flat dan dy tpksa msuk prog 2 thun..result spm bkan penentu sglanya.."

Then i realized ... that's me.. too comfortable with my past result ..
Then i concluded that this is my destiny ..
For God knows what is the best for me..
So.. from now on.. i will struggling to get a place in matrics or in asasi..
Then, i will certainly do my best for it..
No more tears ..
Only joy..
That's my promise ..
It's pay back time..
Can't wait for it!!

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Pity you , old man .

Hai guys ~ How are you ??

Kelmarin jalan2 jumpa orang tua baring2 di jalan .. IDK if dia siuman atau tidak ..
Tapi tiadakah tempat yang lebih sesuai untuk dia tu ?
Seriously, aku sensitive tengok orang2 begini.
Ntah kenapa . Memang dari dulu lagi .
Tapi yang lagi bikin panas , ada pihak yang gunakan dorang ni untuk minta sedekah . Memang ada . Orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab suruh orang tua ni minta sedekah di tepi jalan then duit tu dorang bagi2 lah .
Cruel !~ Dan juga satu penipuan yang sangat tidak berperikemanusiaan .

Tak patut,tak patut~

Okay . Ini memang satu penipuan . Tapi macam mana pula dengan orang tua yang teraniaya ? Oleh anak dan keluarga sendiri ??

Bayangkan dulu, dorang susah2 kerja untuk cari duit . Duit tu pula bukan untuk dorang . Tapi untuk kita, anak2 dorang ..
Sedangkan aku yang baru part time kerja ni pun rasa penat, apa lagi parents2 yang kerja di ladang2 kelapa sawit (menumbak,loading and etc), menoreh getah , ada juga yang pungut2 tin dan besi2 saja  . Kerja2 tu sangat memenatkan . Tapi dorang tidak pernah merungut . Kenapa ? Sebab dorang sayng kita, ingat tanggungjawab dorang sebagai ibu bapa yang harus bagi kita keperluan asas yang secukupnya .

Kamu nda kasihan tengok gambar2 ni??

Hah . Tahu pun kasihan . Tapi kenapa ?? Kenapa abaikan dorang ?
Dan paling teruk, hantar dorang pergi sini :

Inilah balasannya ?
Dorang nda minta banyak . Cuma kasih sayang dan perhatian saja .
Fikir2kanlah ~

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Jealousy can kill the cat ~ ahaha

I'm jealous : Shania Twain

Hahaha .. Kenapa pasal cemburu ni?
Aku nampak gambar di Facebook tadi .. Dan aku sangat2lah setuju k..
Bukan memalukan kaum Hawa tapi kenyataan . Nda taw lah dengan orang lain kan .
Tapi aku dengan si Boy begini lah ..

Setujukah? Ahaha ..
Bukan nda percaya dgn psangan tapi memang semula jadi bah..

Haha .. Memang !~ Sampai password FB pun berabis dicari2 bha ~..

More jealousy :

Kelmarin lagi, masa jalan2 dengan kawan2, 1 hari nda t'layan smsnya . Jelez dy ~ Nduk bha . 1 hri stgah nda lyan aku . Bru ja td dy lyan aku . ahaha ..
Can you see how love can change us into an immature person ??

Sory mengarut !~ :P

A big apology from my little heart

Hai guys ..
How are you ?
Wow .. Time flies .. It's 19th of March .. two days before the SPM result will be announced ..
Keep calm and pray for us okay?

I write this entry for someone . I've wrote about her before ~
In this entry . 

I still love you

Last night , after hanging out with Monex, Bambet and Ana , Monex's parents sent me home . Then , I login my FB acc . I opened the message . I was shocked .


Heather John Nicholas :

first of all, i am very thankful for i am gifted with such wonderful friends. But I failed to fulfill my responsibilities as a friend. I failed to take a very good care of the ones i love. I am VERY SORRY 
All this time, I didn't even realize that I am actually hurting someone i care about. And that someone had done so many good things just for me. Please don't say that you miss the OLD me. I am still me  I am not gonna say that I am too happy to even say HI to you. And I am also not gonna say that I am too busy to even think about you. You may not believe this, but i do think about you everyday. I still remember all the silly little things that we did together. I still remember how we used to get laughed at when we were riding your 4 wheeled motorbike all around Pamol by all the JAKUN people. I still remember how we used to always get scolded in our class. I still remember how we used to have our ups and downs together, shared our jokes and tears together, and having heart-to-heart conversations. I still remember every single one of it. I am sorry that I ignored you. I admit that I was and still am very stupid for doing that horrid thing to you and to all of our friends. I don't know how I can make this up to you. All I can say is I am very sorry for not being a good friend  I wish you can accept my apology.  I wrote this sincerely from my heart. I am very sorry  please forgive me ?  i love you. I am not good at saying sorry. And I am very ashamed that I have hurt you. I don't want to lose you:(


I was speechless okay . I felt like I am so mean for saying her like that .  
I took hours to reply her . Also asking for my friend's opinion . It's not like I'm making this thing become a huge problem . I feel so guilty to her . :(

Then I replied her message ..


Qiara Ophelia Lim :

hai also . Wow . Your apology touched me so much . I'm so sorry too . You see . I have no intention to humiliate you or what . It just an entry that expressed what i feel about . And i never thought that you also think about me;us . You're always in our mind,you know . We talked about you and maybe we will talk about you when we meet together this friday - for taking the spm result . Oh,ya . A big wish for you . Gud luck dear . I hope we will get a flying colour result so that we will meet in matrics or asasi later. Promise me,that you will never feel ashame to send a text to us? Don't say that you are not a good friend . Yes you are . Maybe distance and time have changed a little bit of 'us'. I love you too . Miss you so much .hope to see you soon. o,ya ther . Things doesn't seem right as before ther . Fight and misunderstood have going wild recently among us .


Right now, I'm just waiting for her to reply it . I hope that everything will be fine after this . 

I love you , Heather .

Saturday, 16 March 2013

When I'm in the cyber cafe

Wha ~ Wat a cute cat ... :)
I found this cute picture in Fb~ My friend posted it ~ So , I quickly copy the image URL ~ Kawaiii !
Muaaahhh kitty ! Haha ~ * sejak bila aku suka kucing ?biasa aku ni layan puppy2 cute jak* :P
Well never mind ~ Hahaha ~

Okay . Post kali ni bukan pasal kucing atau puppy~ Actually,  I post this entry because I really want to express my annoy , angry and hate to this fat guy who wearing a black shirt right beside me ..
Well.. Not really beside me la .. Selang 1 pc lagi .. I'm using pc 35 and he is using pc 37 ..

I never felt this way in other cyber . Why? Because he is too near with me bah .. Usually orang yang online bising2 ni jauh2 dari aku .. And this guy ar .. Walawei ~ Too much cursing bah ~ Bukan sudah guna many ~ Much sudah . Why? Sebab nda boleh kena kira sudah berapa kali dia memaki ~ Using that " Pooh Key Mug" word lagi bah ~

Grrr!~ Kau mau kena tumbuk ka ??? 

Mentang2 banyak budak2 kerumun dia, memaki2 la dia ~ Tahu la lelaki ni kan ~ Makin dia dibagi perhatian, makin minta puji ~ Allaaa~ Sama juak dengan perempuan bah ~ Wait2 ! Kenapa sudah bahasa ku jadi rojak2an ?? Hahaha ~ Paduli kau !~

Paling kesian bila dia cakap dengan 1 budak tu, " Sana kau bah ~ jangan kau disini . kau bikin aku kalah saja tahu ka . Sial kau ni . "

Eh ? Kau fikir kau saja main counter strike ? Hahaha .. Aku timbak kau sana !~

Hahaha ~ bteriak2 dia macam urang gila ~ " arrrggghhhh!!!~" , "woi!~~~~"
Hahaha ~ How childish owh ~
Guy, kalau kau nda pandai main diam2 la. Ni action ja lebih bah ~ Attention seeker betul owh .
Hahaha ~ * quite emotional *

Btw, I have updated my songs . Sila la dengar ya . :)

Conclude by ;

Debaran ku kian meletus ~

Hai, hello semua ..
Okay .. Tajuk entry kali ni memang agak hiperbola ..

Haha ~ ----> ini ketawa paksa ~

21 Mac 2013 - Tarikh keramat . Keputusan SPM 2012 diumumkan

Seriously , aku nda tahu la apa jadi dengan result ku nanti ..
Betul2 nda tahu ~
Maybe kalau aku dapat 5A untuk subjek teras saja pun, aku bersyukur sangat ..
Tapi SEJARAH ???! Mahu 1 Malaysia yang ambik Sejarah SPM 2012 mengadu yang paper tu susah k . And sekarang kerajaan betul2 bijak ok.. Ada spare paper lagi bha bilang ~

Itu belum masuk paper Fizik * dengan ikan2nya tu~sudah la aku nda ska chapter Light* , Chemistry * nda pyh ckap la ~ segala soap la, hydrocarbon la ~ *
Biology * chapter ekosistem ka lw nda silap ~ grrrr!!~ pembekuan drah la ~ * , Add math lagi, nda pyh ckap la ~ sgt2 memalukan !!~*

Janganlah ingat tu ~ =.='
*tapi dalam hati masih ingat*
And kadang2 buat debaran yang bikin tertarik 2 jantung ..

God, help me to get an excellent result ~ Huh . Ingat lagi tanggungjawab ku sebagai anak sulung . Betapa beratnya . Tapi aku bertekad, biar macam mana pun result ku nanti, aku tidak akan lagi pandang belakang . Aku akan terus maju , cari kerja yang sesuai dengan result ku . At least , CIKGU ~ :)

P/S : untuk junior yang baca entry ni, berusahalah kamu ya . UPSR dan PMR kamu straight, nda semestinya kamu straight SPM ~ USAHA K ?

Akhir ceritera ku yang membosankan ~

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Cicak ~ =.=

Hai .. Hari ni aku mahu cerita pasal haiwan yang aku geli ..
Geli k.. SANGAT !~
Ala.. normal la.. jangan hairan pula ..

Jeng,jeng,jeng ~


Aku google picture ni pun,meremang bulu roma ku ~ Bukan aku menghina ciptaan Tuhan .. NO~ please think +ve k? cuma perempuan memang normal takut2 dengan haiwan2 macam lipas, cicak n etc ni ~

Aku geli dgn kulitnya yang moist2 gitu lorh ~ haha ..
n bila dia kasi putus ekornya ! BHE ~


lagi gambar yang nda tahan :

mcm mna ada cicak mati dalam 2???????????!!!!

Pernah 1 hari ni ada cicak tmasuk dalam aircond .. then nsib juga tkeluar .. tpi mati uda .. lau nda, bau bangkai ! knun aku harap la c Mr. Hohu ni tolong aku ~ tapi tau apa dia buat ??? dia pergi dapur, ambil plastik .. pgang ekor 2 cicak n pergi kasi takut2 aku ~ Punya la aku memaki dia ~ sampai tsbut uda sembarang.. maw nangis uda aku ! bygkan la bha ~ bru dia excitednya kasi kena aku .. ketawa2 .. bnci aku tgk ! ahaha ..

*nti kau jo ` aku bwa lintah dr pamol .. bru kau tau .. *

Ahaha..ini kali la jo..

~> kamu ? apa haiwan yang kamu geli,takut @ fobia ??
Ceritalah sikit~

Mengapa kau pergi ?*sedih tajuk?*

Hai semua . . Fuhh .. Penatnya .. Pagi tadi bangun jam 4.30 pagi . Bersiap , jam 5.30 pagi jalan kaki keluar pergi bus stop Giant . Perjalanan dari rumah aku pergi bus stop 2 jauh ya . About 1 km la . Naik bas pergi di batu 32 a.k.a Checkpoint . Mengantuk sangat ya tapi aku tidak maw tidur . My heart can't stop beating fast sebab aku maw jumpa dia . * Normal thing kalau kami mau jumpa *

TAPI .. Perjumpaan kali ni sebenarnya bukanlah penuh dgan kegembiraan malah sebaliknya .. Kenapa ? Sebab dia maw pergi Labuan sudah .. Kerja di sana .. Labuan .. Kenapa Labuan ?? :(
Jauh ...

Susahnya maw jumpa 2.. Klau dy pulang kampung msti ikut adik dy n terus pergi Nangoh bukan Pamol . Not anymore . Huhu .. Kalau dulu dy kerja di Kertam okay juga .. 1 way pergi Sandakan .. Labuan ni ikut jalan lain .. 

Kami jumpa di Restoran Sinaran Labuk..
 Sarapan di sana .. Poor dia makan nasi goreng hangus .. Nasib aku makan nasi kuning ~ Yeah ! :P

Lepas tu makan2 kacang Pagoda..

Pagoda Lembu
Kejap saja jumpa, datang sudah ipar dia ambil dia bawa pergi ambil barang n pergi di Simpang Sapi . Dorang tunggu bas KK di sana ..
Potong stim la ~ belum lagi puas bcrta .. :(
Then aku bagi dia sim kad dg dia yang tertinggal .. OK ~ SIM DG NI NYAWA KAMI !
Haha .. DG Easy kn .. Kalau merajuk pun senang pujuk .. FREE beb ~

Then * berapa banyak then la .. nanti aku kena panggil kakak andthen pula ..(sekuriti di SMKPamol) *, dia hantar aku pergi bas ..

Boy : Bagus2 ar ~
Baby : Ceh .. B yang bgus2 .. jgn curang2 sna .
Boy : Nda .. B pg sna cri duit utk kita khwin nti .. * Aww !*
(kiss my forehead n hug me)

Bckp2 jap , then dy jalan ..

Naik sja bas , rupanya 2 bas yang aku ikt pg bt 32 jg ..
byk kik drg soal siasat aku .. =.='
Dia mau pergi mana ? Keretanya ka yang putih tu? Berapa lama sudah kamu kapel? Kenapa dia tidak turun Giant jumpa kau? Hahaha..
Lepas tu, 2 driver crta lg psal gf dy ..
Msa pulang , aku perasan 2 konduktor tgk2 aku dr crmin pintu .. Jadi aku senyum la.. dtg dy mnta num tel .. hahaha .. nda aku mw bgi .. plik2 pla dy .. msa aku trun , dy bye2 aku ~ KEANEHAN ~

Ok . Nda taw apa yang aku merapuh tapi yang pasti ni kerapuhan kesedihan .. Dia jauh sudah dari aku ~ Tapi bukan di aty la ~ ahaha ~

Hahaha .. Always happen ..


Hai guys ..
Apa khabar ?
Selamat Tahun Baru Cina .. :D
Kritikal okay,kritikal .. Kenapa ???!!
Bergaduh ka C baby ama C Boy ?\
Nda la.. Ahaha .. 

Tadi timbul idea dia untuk order makanan . Pertama dia maw mcd tapi aku nda suka . Jadi kami order Pizza Hut la.. Aku pun call la drg.. For the 1st time dia makan pizza and 1st time nya 2 dgn AKU ! haha.. *bngga sgt*

Then makan lah dengan berseleranya ..
Golden Crab Claw Pizza

Berebut kami makan . trus kami ketawa . Aku cakap,kalau aku dlu dengan ex ku, sentiasa kenyang . belum makan pun kenyang . dia pun begitu . orang bilang bercinta ni, makan tak lalu .. Padahal kami.. sandi ! berebut n bgaduh lg psal mkanan ..merajuk pn ada ~

Yeah ~ That's us ~

How did me meet before??

Hai ..
My friend had asked me to write about this entry ..

It began about 3 years ago .. When I was in Form 3 .. Taking my PMR examination .. I was a naughty girl okay .. *Is it was? Still maybe* So, most of my friends have their scandals while I was single . Because I don't want to think about love when I'm facing a serious exam .

It was FIFA World Cup in 2010. Everybody was busy updating their status in Facebook about it. I opened my friend requests in Facebook . I saw this account . " Albert Gabertan " . Who is this guy ? Got so many mutual friends . Ahhh ! Just approve him lah ..

Then he approached me in the inbox . We chat and get to know better . He is really a funny guy yet full of love words .. In other words, JIWANG ! And I really don't like that part okay .

 One day, he asked for my phone number . I gave him and we always text .
The PMR examination have passed . Fuhhh ! I was so relieved ! Science was hard okay and I did cried because I was so afraid that I won't be able to get an "A" grade for that subject !

 *Thanks God I did .. I got straight A's in my PMR result*

After that, I bring my friend also my cousin ; Nana to spend a night in my home . Then , I told her that I'm texting with this guy . She was surprised and she said , " He was my ex-boyfriend ! " She told me asked him whether he wants to be my BF or no ~ So I asked him !!
He agree because he said that he had fall for me ~

So, we are officially as a couple .. Wait ! Couple ?? NO ! I don't feel like I am serious with this relationship okay ~ I just want to be a player ~

I was sick of him ~ WHY ??? Because he was so annoyed okay . I don't like him ~ Because he was so JIWANG ~ 
So, I broke up with him . My reason : My mother don't want me to have a boyfriend at a such young age . *CRUEL*

I didn't know that he was so frustrated at that moment okay . A few weeks later , Celcom have give an offer to it's users . Free SMS and call to all Celcom's numbers in a day for just RM 2 ! We like to subscribe to it . Then we will talk for a very very long time . At that time , I feel something's different . And it would be a mess day for me without hearing his voices and knowing his news ..
I was so shocked when I knew that he loves to listening to love songs . He also surprised that I wrote all my love notes in FB . He thought that I copied it . Well you know me . . I'm a harsh girl . So , it is quite shocking la how I know to be such a serenade person .. Hahaha ~ I really like it when I found someone who have the same commons with me ,,,

I know it .. I ALREADY FALL FOR HIM !!!

I kept it as a secret ! But I just can't stand for it anymore especially when he said that he knew someone at that time ~ I was so JEALOUS !

I have decided it that I am going to tell him about that !! 

25-12-2010 ( midnight )

Hai Albert .. Uda tidur kah? Ada bah aku maw gtaw kaw ni.. Sebenarnya .. AKU TERSUKA SAMA KAU ~ tapi lw kw nda mw trima , nda pa la.. hrap kta msih blh jd kwan mcm biasa ..

I cannot sleep at that night okay . I was so afraid that he might reject me !! :(

Baby : Hai..kaw ada dpt sms ku smlam?
Boy : Ada .. Kenapa?
Baby : Owh .. aku igt kan aku slah htr .. * sangat ketara cover k* hahahaa..
Boy : Nanti lah aku fikir dlu mcm na..

1.1.2011 : He accepted me .. He said he still love me but he need time before because he don't want me to play2 with him anymore . He decided to give me a trust ; again .

That afternoon , I and my brother want to his home . First date okay~ * New Year event *
After that, he told his parents about me because he wants to have a serious relationship with me.. AWW !~
I also told my mother and brother about him..It would be a mess day without knowing his news or even hearing his voices.

OKAY ~ BIDAK ~ Hahaha ~ Our first date~


Boy , I love you.. Although we don't meet as sweet as other couples , but I really love you ..
You are my 3 in 1 .. My Boyfriend , My Brother and My Bestfriend Forever ..