Saturday, 27 August 2016

To my beloved 2016 :)

It's been years since I started to write again. Now why do I suddenly write again after years?

It's because of 2016. Such a tough year for me. Honestly, the toughest for me so far. 21 years breathing on this beautiful world, and I'm tested real hard this year.

There's too much things that happened until they make me speechless; thinking on how am I going to arrange my story line each time I want to share them to someone.
I'm not a drama queen and I want being one. But basically, my life is just a drama.

Now why do I said it's a beloved year instead ?

Simply because of this. Yeah I feel so tired right now. Emotionally tired, my heart is wrenching but I barely can cry. Do you know how much I wanted to cry? I just want to relieve at least a quarter of this pain. But I don't know. Being born as the eldest child, I've trained myself over years to not to cry easily. And yes I made it. I am not a person who can cry easily. One of my friends called me as " a heart made of steel "

So I believed that these obstacles , were given to me to train me more. I hope that it can be useful for my housemanship(HO) years later on . :)
And the most important thing is, no matter who walks in and out from my life, I know and I am sure that Jesus is still here. Holding on to my shaking soul, embracing my heart with his infinite and wonderful love.