Sunday, 4 August 2013

Balik kampung ~!

Hai ...
Actually terlambat bah sudah aku update blog ni sebab aku 3 hari sudah di rumah . Haha..
Tapi x pa la.. aku ceritakan pengalaman aku 1st time pulang sendiri pergi rumah.

2hb Ogos 2013 ( Jumaat ) :

Hari ni kami ada kuliah sampai jam 10 . Then kami sewa kereta Viva auto setengah hari start dari jam 11. RM55 doh . Mahal atau murah ? -.-'
Then aku drive pergi Water Front untuk beli buah tangan and kek lapis sarawak ..

 Masa tu hujan jadi kami pergi di Plaza Merdeka dulu .. Aku pun belilah baju2 untuk family aku.. Lepas tu kami just jalan kaki jak pergi Water Front .. *x lah jauh sangat pun*
Then naik perahu pergi seberang .. Waina.. Menakutkan betullah sebab aku memang ada bad history pasal naik perahu ni.. Siot betul aku diketawakan oleh lelaki2 unknown yang ada dalam perahu tu.. Aku, Adeq & Tia lah yang penakut berabis .. Yang malu dengan perangai kami Si Bibie and Chang.. Haha.. Sorrylah teman tapi aku agak fobia bah .. :P

Adeq & Tia yg turut penakut . LOL

After that , aku kena hantar pergi airport.. Dorang si Tia pergi cari parking while c Adeq teman aku masuk .. Lewat sudah aku sampai x dapat tunggu dorang si Tia .. Aku pergi jak tempat imegresen tu kena marah lagi aku sebab lewat .. LOL ..

Then naiklah flight .. Masa di flight aku mahu makan tapi kasihan dengan orang sebelah ku sebab dia puasa.. Apa boleh buat .. Ikat perut saja lah.. Sampai jak di KK ingat mahu makan tapi since time gap dia untuk naik next flight tu cuma sejam lebih , so aku pergilah check in.. Tak sempat juga mahu makan..NO!!!~~

Aku ingatkan naik MAS lah .. Rupanya MAS Wing .. Pergghhh!~ Buruk giler doh !~ Sempit sangat tahu.. TEKANAN aku !~ kalau aku tahu bagus tempah asing2.. Macam mana lah kalau time Cuti Sem ni.. Sudahlah kena bawa semua barang2 .. :(

Lepas tu, papa jemput aku di Sandakan Airport.. Jam 10 malam tu jo.. Kami naiklah kereta pulang Pamol.. Sampai Pamol pun jam 12 lebih sudah .. X sempat bagi tahu kawan2 yg aku sudah sampai ..
Penat gila bah.. Lepas makan2 terus jak aku tidur.. Hahaa...


Saturday, 15 June 2013

Happy Father's Day, Papa...

I think you should play this video before you read my entry . :')
It's really touching you know and it's an insurance commercial . Yeah . A little bit LOL there .

Today, 16th of June 2013. Father's Day fall on this day . Sadly and badly, how awful I feel that I cannot celebrate this day with my father . Because I'm in Sarawak . My mom bought 2 cakes for him . So jealous .

And recently I do not give them any call because I will get homesick if I do so. Talking to them but not seeing them make me feel so sad . That's why I avoid it .

You know . When I saw that video , I realized how grateful I am to have a father like him , Lim Pee Yong or known as Papa. :D
He's a strict man . Yet he's easy to approach . He's really concern about us. And he did a lot for us . He's like a skeleton in our family . Protecting us . I miss him . We have a close common . Even others said like that .

All I want to say is " Happy Father's Day , papa." We love you . :)

And sorry for this short entry only because I am busy with my Chemistry tutorial. Yet I'm trying to spend some time to write this entry . Just for you ,papa.

Friday, 14 June 2013

First outing *jakun*

Shallom and good evening peeps..
Hari ni hari Jumaat .. Kelas kami ( Hayat 3 ) hari ni cuma ada satu jam sahaja . Mathematics with Sir Ahmad Deedat yang quite funny . And plus, it's his birthday today . So he's kinda a birthday boy la.. boy ka yah? hahaaa...

First outing?xda la first tapi first time sewa kereta sendiri.Hahaa. So hari ni kami plan mahu keluar pergi Kuching untuk beli printer la.. Aku sms Fifi untuk minta number kereta sewa. After call, kita orang pun pulang kolej Seroja untuk bersiap2... Kita orang tu ialah : Aku, Bibie(my roomate), Tia. Sya and Piqah .

Bibie tu dari Inanam, Tia and Sya tu dari Selangor and Piqah tu dari Kuching . Kira macam Piqah tu ialah guider kami lah..

Then sampai kolej jak, kereta tu sudah ada di sana. Empunya kereta tu hantar awal sebab dorang ada hal . Exam kot? Budak degree kan busy dgn exam sekarang... Kereta tu Viva Elite hitam . Kunci dia simpan di laci kereta jak . Beranikan? LOL...

First tu disebabkan aku lupa lesen aku di Sabah, aku pun x mahu la bwa kereta. Aku suruh Tia tapi dia suruh aku. Lol. Then aku drive la. Tahu2 jak la orang lama x drive kan? Kilik la. Then sekali sampai di Desa Ilmu, lepas ambil duit dari Bank Islam , Tia cakap biar dia yang drive. Aku pun duduk belakang la...

Pakai baju couple . Wish you were here, b ~ :(

Pemandangan duduk belakang
Then masa mahu keluar jalan tu, Tia panik sebab tengok lori. Jadi dia side sangat sampai pintu kereta tu terguris dengan simen penghadang longkang... Takut gila weih kami masa tu sebab kereta orang kan. Sudah lah first time sewa kereta..

Habislah kami kalau kedapatan ! Kena tumbuk!
Then akulah yang bawa kereta. Haha ~ Best weih . Ada pengalaman. Lepas tu bisingnya kami dalam kereta. Sangat k. Haha . First kami pergi makan di The Spring Mall.Besar gila food court di sini . Nama food court di sini, " Food Bazaar ". Ada banyak jenis. Japanese, Korean,Indonesian. Malaysian, Thai, Pizza, Sushi, Arabic, Western and many more !~ Nda ingat sudah yang lain. Tapi aku pilih arabic ni. Nasi ayam cheese. Cheese lagi ~ hahaa ~ aku ni gemar sangat cheese . My parents n Mr. HoeHue mmg tw pasal 2. :P

Food court The Spring


Kena suruh buat muka serius.hahaa

Aku, Piqah . Yang di belakang strt dri kiri Bibie, Tia n Sya..

Then pergi wisma Saberkas beli printer . Beli printer Brother.dorang beli HP. Excitednya guna printer bru.LOL..
Hari ni aku blajar bbrapa pktaan bru ..]

Sakai : kawan (bahasa Melanau)
Sentap : terasa hati
Dedat : Penuh

Hahaaa ~ Harap2 friendship kitaorang bertahan . :D
Best kawan dgn dorang semua 1 kepala ni.hehee..

My brother.hahaa

My roomate's HP~ :P

Monday, 10 June 2013

Perjalanan ke UNIMAS Part 1~~

3hb Jun 2013 : Perjalanan pergi Sandakan with Kakak Neneng.. Dari Pamol ke Sandakan naik kereta 'Pirate' . Sikit lagi accident sebab ada kereta mahu langgar depan kereta yang kami ikut tu. Rupa2nya orang tu mengantuk . Huh . Sangat mencemaskan sebab sikit lagi terbabas and masuk dalam gaung .. Then sampai sandakan terus pergi airport..

Gonna miss Pamol

My dogs

My bedroom yang besar daripada bilik di Unimas..

My barang2

Airport Sandakan

Saya n Kak Neneng

Dalam kapal terbang
Sebelum berlepas

Orang sebelah tidur

Cntik kn?

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Jesus, he is all I need...

I wish I can sit like this every night ; staring at the moon and stars

It second of June today . I'll be leaving by tomorrow . Leaving my comfortable bed, my always-cold-bedroom because it is made of cement and tiles, my warm home and my beloved parents . It's so hard not seeing them before I leave but I believe God has his fascinating plan for me. That's why I'm departing alone this 4th of June . Heading from KK to Sarawak all alone. But luckily, I have my cousin to accompany me tomorrow . We'll depart together from Sandakan to KK.

Today I feel like my day is so gloom. Sorrow . There's no need to tell the reason because I'm not going to humiliate anyone or anybody in this crap entry although my heart is getting a big electric shock starting around 2 o'clock in the evening before. Seriously I don't know why is that person keep hurting US.

Maybe he's envy with our family happiness ? Or he just couldn't make himself into 'US', 'WE' or 'OUR'. It have been always ' HIM ', 'HE' and 'HIS' in his life . Sometimes I feel pity for him because he must feel alone in that way. But we always accept him . Still waiting for him to change into a better person . Still and keep praying for him to change because we believe that every thing that we ask sincerely from God, sooner or later we will get the 'rewards'.

He is accusing me for the thing that I never done, cursing at us for the small matter that we have done and irritating our heart and feelings. Just a few hours ago I felt like I hate him so much and he is the person that I hate most in this world. I cried for hours . Non stop . My mind keep telling me to stop crying but my heart won't listen to it.

Then I lay down on my bed. Closing my eyes . Suddenly my heart is missing something . Yeah . I miss to feel how to be surrounded by the presence of Jesus . I pray . It's been a long time since I ever pray . I told everything to him . I ask him to give me the strength  to forgive each other .
Because Jesus said in Matthew 5:44 ; But I say to you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which spitefully use you, and persecute you.

Then I feel a little bit more calm than before . I know, he is the one who gave me all of this infliction and hard tests. So that I will come back to him . I'm such a sinful person , but Jesus is still there for me. Thank you Jesus for standing right besides to me, seeing me fall , making sins yet not leaving me behind; instead of giving me a lot of chances to repent and  do all the things that bring joy to you.

I live because of you, my worship is all for you, My Lord Jesus Christ.